Licensed to Lynchburg College           HY-TEK's Meet Manager 6/9/2022 08:46 AM
                  2022 Summer Series - 6/7/2022 to 6/29/2022                   
Mixed 100 Meter Dash
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
Section  1  
  1    46 Austin, Noah       M15 Road Runners             11.92  
  2    26 Lamb, Thomas       M14 Road Runners             12.59  
  3    48 Moore, Kona        W15 Road Runners             13.35  
  4    66 Craig, Michael     M34 Road Runners             13.67  
Section  2  
  1    95 Boles, Ireland      W4 Road Runners             22.31  
  2    35 Parker, Ava         W4 Road Runners             23.83  
  3    77 Reed, Addie         W4 Road Runners             30.98  
  4    78 Reed, Anna          W3 Road Runners             32.65  
  5   111 Lacey, Molly        W4 LRRR                     44.82  
  6   109 Thomas, Ellie       W3 Road Runners             46.33  
Section  3  
  1    59 Sullenger, Carson   M4 Road Runners             23.64  
  2   108 Gregory, Noah       M4 Road Runners             26.49  
  3   105 malcolm, carl       M3 Road Runners             29.32  
  4   115 Hagen, Duke         M2 LRRR                     29.47  
  5    29 Jefferson, D'Andre  M3 Road Runners             38.95  
  6    90 Yeoman, Henry       M3 LRRR                     40.55  
  7    67 Craig, Philip       M1 LRRR                     41.18  
  8    83 cavaliere, cash     M1 Road Runners           1:40.66  
Section  4  
  1    50 Moore, Kalani       M6 Road Runners             19.21  
  2   104 malcolm, andrew     M6 Road Runners             19.95  
  3    97 Quarantotto, Ada    W6 Road Runners             22.69  
  4   114 Hagen, Emmy         W6 LRRR                     23.01  
  5    61 Onderko, Madison    W6 Road Runners             23.30  
  6    31 Geronimo, Reyna     W5 Road Runners             23.31  
Section  5  
  1   101 morse, micah        M8 Road Runners             18.11  
  2    94 Boles, Crew         M7 Road Runners             18.72  
  3    40 Rucker, Dwayne      M7 Road Runners             19.44  
  4    36 Parker, Brielle     W7 Road Runners             19.46  
  5    87 Yeoman, Stella      W8 LRRR                     19.72  
  6    96 Quarantotto, Lieu   M8 Road Runners             20.21  
  7    49 Moore, Maui         M7 LRRR                     20.78  
  8    16 Talmadge, Isaac     M7 Road Runners             20.92  
  9    98 marshall, felicity  W8 Road Runners             21.74  
Section  6  
  1    22 Irby, Benjamin     M10 LRRR                     19.16  
  2    82 Snyder, Knox        M9 Road Runners             19.21  
  3    62 Onderko, Wayne III M10 Road Runners             19.44  
  4    54 Thomas, Brodie     M10 Road Runners             22.80  
Section  7  
  1    92 Boles, Lakelyn      W9 Road Runners             17.00  
  2    72 Zealand, Owen       M9 Road Runners             17.58  
  3    81 Preite, Blake       M9 Road Runners             17.92  
  4    86 Yeoman, Weston     M10 Road Runners             18.09  
  5    76 Reed, Audrey        W9 Road Runners             20.15  
Section  8  
  1    93 Boles, Skylyn      W11 Road Runners             15.87  
  2    71 Zealand, Piper     W11 Road Runners             17.40  
  3    58 Harrell, Alexis    W11 Road Runners             17.48  
  4    19 Talmadge, Bethany  W11 Road Runners             17.56  
Section  9  
  1    80 Preite, Cameron    M11 Road Runners             15.07  
  2    42 Thomas, Israel     M11 Road Runners             15.17  
  3    60 Sullenger, Colson  M11 Road Runners             16.84  
  4   100 parsons, brogan    M11 Road Runners             18.11  
  5    52 Thomas, Sean       M12 Road Runners             19.72  
  6    28 McAlexander, Isaia M11 Road Runners             22.31  
Section  10  
  1   116 elder, colt        M14 Road Runners             14.01  
  2   113 Wells, Noah        M14 Road Runners             14.38  
  3    99 parsons, stryder   M14 Road Runners             14.54  
  4    15 Talmadge, Noah     M13 Road Runners             15.06  
  5   102 Layman, Ava        W13 Road Runners             16.56  
Section  11  
  1    91 Crill, Heather     W35 Road Runners             18.66  
  2    84 Gerber, Kathy      W69 Road Runners             19.93  
  3    27 Lamb, Verna        W51 Road Runners             22.03  
Mixed 800 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
Section  1  
  1    66 Craig, Michael     M34 Road Runners           2:23.58  
  2    70 Zealand, William   M13 Road Runners           2:25.07  
  3    15 Talmadge, Noah     M13 Road Runners           2:33.23  
  4    25 Kassens, Alice     W47 Road Runners           2:33.51  
  5    17 Talmadge, Dan      M42 Road Runners           2:37.75  
  6    73 Reed, Jake         M34 Road Runners           2:40.09  
  7   113 Wells, Noah        M14 Road Runners           2:47.45  
  8    14 Talmadge, Amy      W43 Road Runners           2:52.22  
  9    93 Boles, Skylyn      W11 Road Runners           2:53.91  
 10    72 Zealand, Owen       M9 Road Runners           2:55.65  
 11    71 Zealand, Piper     W11 Road Runners           2:57.55  
 12    92 Boles, Lakelyn      W9 Road Runners           2:58.38  
 13    42 Thomas, Israel     M11 Road Runners           2:58.84  
 14    55 Thomas, Bailey     W14 Road Runners           3:08.71  
 15    52 Thomas, Sean       M12 Road Runners           3:08.92  
 16    57 Thomas, Todd       M47 Road Runners           3:09.22  
Section  2  
  1    80 Preite, Cameron    M11 Road Runners           2:53.92  
  2    20 Irby, Rebecca      W41 LRRR                   2:58.02  
  3   116 elder, colt        M14 Road Runners           3:06.09  
  4    56 Thomas, Alexis     W39 Road Runners           3:12.30  
  5    79 Lopez, Felix 'the  M69 Road Runners           3:18.83  
  6    16 Talmadge, Isaac     M7 Road Runners           3:23.51  
  7    19 Talmadge, Bethany  W11 Road Runners           3:26.23  
  9    75 Reed, Wake          M6 Road Runners           3:29.42  
 10    60 Sullenger, Colson  M11 Road Runners           3:30.43  
 11    94 Boles, Crew         M7 Road Runners           3:33.55  
 12   101 morse, micah        M8 Road Runners           3:37.05  
 13    86 Yeoman, Weston     M10 Road Runners           3:37.91  
 14    58 Harrell, Alexis    W11 Road Runners           3:39.41  
 15    76 Reed, Audrey        W9 Road Runners           3:47.52  
 16    85 Yeoman, Natasha    W38 Road Runners           3:48.69  
 17    87 Yeoman, Stella      W8 LRRR                   3:52.90  
 19    53 Thomas, Cooper     M14 Road Runners           3:54.51  
 20    21 Irby, Samantha     W12 Road Runners           3:55.19  
 21    95 Boles, Ireland      W4 Road Runners           4:03.88  
 22   100 parsons, brogan    M11 Road Runners           4:31.79  
Section  3  
  1    81 Preite, Blake       M9 Road Runners           3:36.39  
  2   102 Layman, Ava        W13 Road Runners           3:38.65  
  3    63 Garbee, Grattan    M59 Road Runners           3:43.50  
  5    82 Snyder, Knox        M9 Road Runners           3:43.67  
  6    64 Cavaliere, Jude     M6 Road Runners           3:47.23  
  7    30 Mitchell, Mike     M65 Road Runners           3:53.29  
  8    91 Crill, Heather     W35 Road Runners           4:00.76  
  9    54 Thomas, Brodie     M10 Road Runners           4:06.96  
 10    59 Sullenger, Carson   M4 Road Runners           4:20.40  
 12    77 Reed, Addie         W4 Road Runners           4:36.77  
 14    27 Lamb, Verna        W51 Road Runners           4:43.83  
 15    78 Reed, Anna          W3 Road Runners           5:23.67  
 16    31 Geronimo, Reyna     W5 Road Runners           5:48.43  
Mixed 1500 Meter Run
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals 
Section  1  
  1    66 Craig, Michael     M34 Road Runners           4:40.48  
  2   107 gregory, matt      M35 Road Runners           4:42.23  
  3    43 Wright, Dylan      M21 Road Runners           4:45.48  
  4    69 Tullock, Brian     M39 Road Runners           4:47.01  
  5    70 Zealand, William   M13 Road Runners           4:52.30  
  6    38 Harrington, Jeff   M52 Road Runners           4:56.25  
  7    15 Talmadge, Noah     M13 Road Runners           5:09.63  
Section  2  
  1    25 Kassens, Alice     W47 Road Runners           5:20.82  
  2    17 Talmadge, Dan      M42 Road Runners           5:36.09  
  3    65 Craig, Ashley      W34 LRRR                   5:44.83  
  4   106 malcolm, maggie    W34 Road Runners           5:47.59  
  5    14 Talmadge, Amy      W43 Road Runners           5:50.46  
  6    72 Zealand, Owen       M9 Road Runners           5:52.03  
  7    71 Zealand, Piper     W11 Road Runners           5:57.65  
  8    20 Irby, Rebecca      W41 LRRR                   6:01.42  
  9    99 parsons, stryder   M14 Road Runners           6:07.05  
 10    52 Thomas, Sean       M12 Road Runners           6:09.26  
 11    57 Thomas, Todd       M47 Road Runners           6:10.67  
 12    55 Thomas, Bailey     W14 Road Runners           6:27.83  
 13    16 Talmadge, Isaac     M7 Road Runners           6:35.39  
 14    73 Reed, Jake         M34 Road Runners           7:06.67  
 15    76 Reed, Audrey        W9 Road Runners           7:08.82  
Section  3  
  1   113 Wells, Noah        M14 Road Runners           5:41.86  
  2    68 Tullock, Marie     W36 Road Runners           6:09.91  
  3    79 Lopez, Felix 'the  M69 Road Runners           6:41.21  
  4    75 Reed, Wake          M6 Road Runners           6:53.41  
  5    58 Harrell, Alexis    W11 Road Runners           6:55.58  
  6   112 shields, steve     M59 Road Runners           7:06.21  
  7    63 Garbee, Grattan    M59 Road Runners           7:17.75  
  8    86 Yeoman, Weston     M10 Road Runners           7:37.26  
  9    53 Thomas, Cooper     M14 Road Runners           7:42.52  
 10    87 Yeoman, Stella      W8 LRRR                   7:44.25  
 11    91 Crill, Heather     W35 Road Runners           7:46.92  
 12    30 Mitchell, Mike     M65 Road Runners           7:53.46  
 13    85 Yeoman, Natasha    W38 Road Runners           7:54.93  
 14    96 Quarantotto, Lieu   M8 Road Runners           7:56.33  
 15    54 Thomas, Brodie     M10 Road Runners           7:57.42  
 16    98 marshall, felicity  W8 Road Runners           7:57.81